Sheehan Personal Training

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5 Tips for Safely Continuing Fitness as We Age

As we age, physical activity becomes increasingly important for maintaining our health and well-being. Staying active is essential to slowing the effects of aging and staying fit. However, as we get older it can be more difficult to stay motivated and find activities that are both safe and enjoyable. Fortunately, with proper planning you can safely continue your fitness journey even into old age. Here are five tips for starting or continuing your active aging training!

1. Start Slow: As you age, we reluctantly realize that our bodies just won't do what they used to do at a younger age. If you haven't been working out for a while, you need to begin a program remembering that it takes time to build endurance and strength. Our personal trainers understand that and will keep you safe as you begin your journey to better fitness. Our trainers can guide you through proper form and technique, provide motivation, and offer expert advice on how to modify exercises for maximum safety.

2. Commit to Making Exercise a Part of Your Life. Exercising regularly is the key to maintaining health and fitness as you age. Having scheduled workouts will keep you accountable, and because personal training is considerably more expensive than a gym membership, it won't be as easy to blow it off considering the cost! When people say they are too busy to exercise, I think of the following meme. As I indicated in last month's blog, it might not be joyful to work out, but the feelings after the workout and the benefits from doing it are priceless!

3. Listen to Your Body: As we get older, our bodies are less tolerant of certain types of exercises and activities. Listen to your body, and if something doesn't feel right or you experience any pain, let your trainer know. Our trainers are active agers and have the experience to modify movements and will determine an activity that will safely benefit you.

4. Add Group Classes to Your Fitness Life: Group classes offer strength, conditioning, and balance training as well as a fun way to socialize. At Sheehan, we include all of our group classes in our monthly training memberships.

5. Start Now! Don't delay any longer and just take the first step. It is usually the hardest one to take, so it will get easier after that. At Sheehan Personal Training, we encourage everyone to meet us, take a tour, and then try a session for free before making a decision. It is risk-free, and it could end up changing your life!