Sheehan Personal Training

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In Their Words: Sheehan’s Nutrition Transformation Graduates

Last Fall, Tom & LeAnna Sheehan launched their first 6-week Nutritional Transformation program.  This was a group of 10 participants who re-set their eating strategies with guidance, meal plans, a weekly meeting, coaching, support, macro-counting, and on-line food journaling.  Together, this first group lost a total of 146 pounds and 81 inches.  Participants from that first group (which finished up in November) report that they have kept their weight off.  Tom and LeAnna ran another group in November with similar results.  They will soon open up registration for their March Nutritional Transformation program, which they limit to only ten participants in order to provide all the participants with due attention. 

I had the unique opportunity to catch up with several of the Fall and November program graduates and they are a truly inspirational group of people.  While they all joined the program for different reasons, they all came out feeling better, they all learned something, and everyone lost weight.  I would also note that everyone struggled at some point during the transformation process.  But what resonated through my on-line chats and emails with the Nutrition Peeps was the “tremendous support” they received through their process.

Dr. Diana Perry

Dr. Diana Perry, a Boston-area physician and mother of two teenagers.  “I have spent my entire life putting everyone else’s health and well-being before that of my own.  It was Tom & LeAnna who expressed to me the importance of taking care of myself so that I can be there for my children and my patients.”  Diana explains that the program itself is straightforward and easy.  For Diana, who lost 40 pounds during last fall’s program, the nutritional transformation was an individual spiritual journey as well.  “Those were 40 pounds of fat, sadness and negativity and I have kept it off.  I replaced that unwanted weight and sadness with muscle and pure happiness to my core.”

Vicki Kane

Vicki Kane, an avid exerciser and already-healthy eater (mostly Paleo) was stuck.  “I had some health issues for the past 2 ½ years and the weight wasn’t coming off as easily anymore.  I had heard of the Keto diet and wanted to learn more, but quite frankly, I wanted someone to tell me what to do.  I didn’t want to spend the time doing the research.”  She joined the Sheehan Nutrition Transformation Program and lost 15.4 pounds!  So what did Vicki do differently? She learned about hidden carbs in foods, which helped explain why her body wasn’t responding the way she wanted it to.  She cut out alcohol - which was hard – but it’s a sugar.  Like Diana, Vicki graduated from the program a few months ago – and yet, she’s maintaining her weight loss.  “Eating out and social situations can be tough on the program, but I figured out the best restaurants for staying on track and suggest those when meeting friends out.  Also, I don’t mind having a seltzer in a cocktail situation.  If I do have alcohol, I make it a vodka with seltzer or an espresso martini without the Bailey’s.”

Rick Studholme

Rick Studholme, joined the Sheehan Nutrition Transformation Program when he felt he needed a re-start.  “I had fallen on some old bad habits.  I was snacking and slowly that started to add the pounds back on.  Work and life had become so hectic that I had lost my focus on my nutrition.  This program was a good way to jump start my weight loss right before the holidays.” Rick cut out sugars and processed foods – and of course, the snacks.  He focused on eating one main meal a day.  He also learned meal planning strategies and techniques.  Rick commented on the weekly support group, “Many are feeling the same things you are.  It is uplifting to talk and hear that.  You are not alone and others are experiencing the same things you are.”  Rick exceeded his weight loss goal by 10 pounds!


Pat Donahue joined the Sheehan Nutrition Transformation Program not to lose weight, but just to learn more about nutrition.  “This was just a great opportunity to acquire additional information about nutrition and the impact that foods can have on your body.  While it was not my goal to lose weight, I did lose a few pounds.” Pat cut out occasional snacks.  Pat initially also missed having the occasional glass of wine when going out with friends.  However, she learned some valuable new lessons.  She learned about the importance of having real meals with real food (and how easily they can be prepared) – instead of relying on protein bars.  She also learned how to recognize and count macros – and how to determine their impact on her daily diet. 

One thing that all of the participants resoundingly said was that “YES” – if you are thinking of trying the Sheehan Nutrition Transformation Program, you absolutely should do it!  Whether you are looking for a head to toe, inside/out, spiritual + body journey like Diana, or if “nothing is working and I don’t know why!” anymore – like Vicki.  Or if you’ve slipped back into some habits and you need a kick-start like Rick.  Or perhaps you are looking for some new information, like Pat.  Or perhaps you have a different reason.  What have you got to lose?

Very special thanks to Dr. Diana Perry, Vicki Kane, Rick Studholme, and Pat Donahue for their contributions to this blog post!

Diana in Costa Rica